Tag Archives: ferry


Remember how we enjoyed the local’s mookata last night? Never try local style food with a weak stomach. You will have to endure the pain that comes after the pleasure of enjoyment. The pain of diarrhea and pukes. IT WAS A TOTAL DAY-MARE. Our resort package came together with the island hopping tour. However, our friend gotten theirs from Groupon. Package like this were selling like hotcakes at the point of time. They got it for close to 60bucks. However, i would still advise you to book with their local tour agency (they are everywhere) when you are there. Much cheaper and makes it easier to bargain when you book them all together.

Early in the morning, a shuttle came to pick us up to bring us to the jetty. The ride is about 1 hour.

Arriving at the jetty on the minibus

Arriving at the jetty on the minibus

Thats when Mascot starts feeling the discomfort in the stomach. After that we were given a sticker and boarded the ferry. Ours is a huge ferry, you know those kind with 3 levels. If you wanna get a cool looking sunburn, you can jolly well stay on the top. Its a open deck.

Upper deck

Middle deck


Mascot looking stoned

We opt for the lowest deck as mascot gets seasick on top of already being sick. Choose your seats wisely i say. This indian lady beside us started puking the moment the ship sets sail. and for the rest of 3 hours, i can only see her hair and her plastic bag. Sucks to be her. Mascot on the other hand was not any better off. Frequent trips to the loo has made him a walking corpse.  The fishes must be thanking him for the buffet spread.

Fast forward 3 hours later, we finally made it to the many islands! Everyone was rushing up out to the decks. Poor mascot was in no appetite for an eye feast.  The sights are so pretty! IMGP0794IMGP0795IMGP0785But the waters so clear yet i spot trash. WHYYY! :[ The huge ferry has to stop really far from shore. Because there is no way a elephant can enter a small door. As i admire from afar, i noticed the shoreline were packed with speedboats, crowded with tourists. Oh man, isn’t low season now? A mere 10 mins and we set off to our next destination or activities. Everything was so rushed. We felt like sheeps being rounded up and herded up as we transfer to another smaller boat for out snorkeling. One that could bring us closer to the shallow waters.

Herded into the waters

Herded into the waters

Fins can be rented at 10 Baht per pair. The mask and the snorkel were given and it look kinda gross. ew.. dont thing they clean it. You have to sign in and sign out with it.  The waters were not as clear as i thought to be. An visibility of perhaps 10m. Most of the corals were dead probably due to the high volume of human traffic (or sheeps).

A fish and dead corals

A fish (or two) and dead corals

Not wanting to miss out on the highlight of the day, Mascot dragged himself  into the waters. Wow. how surprised i am.

YAY!! Our first snorkeling together

YAY!! Our first snorkeling together

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After some 45 minutes, we were rounded up from the waters and herded back to the mothership. They took us to phi phi island. FINALLY!! we stepped foot on the island. There was some maintenance and entrance fees we had to pay. IMGP0848

Tickets to Phi Phi Island

Tickets to Phi Phi Island

Then i smell it. WHAT IS THIS SMELL OF TRASH?! Our guide brought us to our lunch place where we bumped into our friends yay! and mascot discover that he was not alone!

3 sick kiddos

3 sick kiddos

There isnt anywhere we can go with mascot feeling like shit. So we board the ferry rather early and awaits another 4 hours of painful journey back to our resort.